Recycling Advisory Group Scotland - RAGS
This website is a tribute to an amazing organisation that championed recyling in Scotland from 1993 - 2006.
Topics which RAGS addressed successfully included:
- Integrated Waste Management, Producer Responsibility and Packaging, Markets for Recyclable Materials
- Waste Minimisation, Potential Job Creation from Increased Recycling
- Successful Kerbside Strategies and Public Education.
- Read More about RAGS
- Why did people join RAGS
- See how RAGS answered topical Environmental and recycling questions
- Useful Recycling links
Information on recycling specific materials:
- Paper
- Glass
- Plastic
- Wood
- Furniture
- Batteries
- Metals
- Lightbulbs (ordinary & fluorescent tubes)
- Waste & Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
- General information on recycling
- Setting up an office recycling scheme
- What is Hazardous Household Waste?
What can joining RAGS can do for your business?
Scottish Local Authority Household Recycling Contacts
Whether you fly on a regular basis or just once a year you can benefit from membership. The privileges of membership are free, but you must be resident in the UK and be over the age of 18.
Date set for inquiry into Salford recycling plant
Sky Properties' appeal against Salford City Council's rejection of its £70m plan for the Green Lane Eco Park in Monton, Salford will be heard in May.
On Friday 22nd February, the Mayor of London called on Londoners to reuse their plastic bags and say ‘no’ to accepting new plastic bags. On average, Londoners use over 37 million new plastic bags each week – a weekly habit that adds to an annual total of 2.2 billion new plastic bags in the capital.