
RAGS was a national organisation, established in 1993, which co-ordinated the promotion of recycling and associated issues in Scotland.


RAGS was made up of a membership the key organisations involved in recycling in Scotland, including local authorities, community recycling groups, private waste management companies and government agencies.


RAGS closed in March 2006.

Major Functions

RAGS organises an annual programme of conferences and seminars which tackle a variety of waste management issues. Topics which have been addressed to date include:


  • Integrated Waste Management, Producer Responsibility and Packaging, Markets for Recyclable Materials, Waste Minimisation, Potential Job Creation from Increased Recycling,
  • Successful Kerbside Strategies and Public Education.
  • Speakers are invited from a range of key organisations throughout Scotland and the UK.
  • Chartered Accountants


RAGS also provided an information database and enquiry service as well as publishing the RAGS newsletter which is used as an important vehicle for the dissemination of information and opinion on activities and initiatives in Scotland.




RAGS has ceased trading. The ownership of this domain and this site is WHOLLY UNCONNECTED with the former Association or the former owners and all responsibility for any issues in relation to the domain or the site attaches solely to the present owners. If you would like to submit an article or information about your experience with the RAGS please email ragsdesk@rags.org.uk and we will endeavour to include it in this site.